WhizFolders is now discontinued

Notes Outliner with Many Uses

Look at the Presentation below and discover many uses of the handy Tree List of Notes in WhizFolders combined with a Rich Text Editor

Note Taking Software

Writer's Outliner

Notes & Ideas Organizer

Brainstorming Tool

Personal Wiki

Research Tool

Teaching and Learning


Journal, Text Calendar

Free-format Todo List

Clipboard Collector

Link, Doc, App Launcher

Favorites Organizer

Tagged Notes Organizer

Text Entry Templates

OLE/ActiveX Organizer

Being used for writing, study and research by a wide range of users from writers, teachers, students, and researchers to doctors, lawyers, developers and managers.


Please go through the following cards where we quickly describe how WhizFolders can be used for many applications related to note taking, outlining and writing. Also take a look at the Video further down the page.

Download Free Trial      Buy Now   Costs $29.95 only. Use on any number of computers!

Testimonials from Users

"I use it for my research and I can't imagine a writing program that is more efficient. It's the perfect tool for any multipotentialite who loves nothing more than to have a tool that organizes and connects the wide range of ideas and thoughts we have floating around in our head."

"What I appreciate is your focus on notes. I'm so tired of programs that start out well-composed but then think that they must add more and more features to become 'multi-purpose' and end up clogging themselves with lots of junk that most users don't need or want. Notes are at the core of what most of us do, and a program that optimizes note-taking and management will always be of great value."

See more testimonials from the users.

VIDEO: How a powerful Outlining List makes this "Software with Hundreds of Uses."

Within minutes of using WhizFolders, you will get ideas on how you are going to use it for many different tasks. Its applications are only limited by your imagination.

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