What is the easiest way to return the backup files to WhizFolders? I had to restore my system and want to use the backup files.

The main thing to remember is that a backup file is nothing but a simple copy of a WhizFolder file with the name changed to show that it’s a backup copy made on a certain date. Also, multiple copies of the same file are usually present in the backup folder. So all you need to do in order to reuse a backup file is to copy the file back to your documents folder and then rename it back to the original file name by editing the name to remove the date description.

Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Open the backup folder in Windows Explorer.
  2. You will see the backup WhizFolder files with names starting with “Backup” and ending with a date. By looking at the date in the name, you can easily find the latest backup copy of a file.

    If this seems difficult, use the following steps to sort the file list in Windows File Manager on modified date.

    (a) Change the File Manager settings to show the “detailed” list by View menu. You may have to right-click on the column names and add “modified” column to the list so that you can sort by date.

    (b) Once you are viewing in the View–Details mode, click on the Modified column once or twice to sort the list such that the most recent date appears at the top.

  3. By now, you should have selected a proper backup file–the one you want to reuse.
  4. Right-click, copy the file and paste it in your regular documents folder.
  5. Rename the copied file to remove “Backup” from the beginning of the name and the date from the end.
  6. Double-click on the file name so that it opens in WhizFolders. Or, use the File–Open menu in WhizFolders to open it.
  7. As soon as you open it, it appears in the List of Files in WhizFolders.
  8. Repeat the above steps for each back up file that you want to restore.