How can I create a hyperlink to send email in WhizFolders?

The following method to enter “hyperlink that sends email” will also work in Wordpad and any other Windows program that supports typing hyperlinks in an Editor. You can do this in any note in WhizFolders, our versatile Notes Organizer and Outliner. See the presentation on WhizFolders by clicking on the right graphic “Try our software WhizFolders.” Don’t miss this opportunity to try it out.

In the note editor, just type mailto:emailaddress. As soon as you finish, the hyperlink is ready to be used. For example, if you have the link, it will open your email software with a new message addressed to

There are advanced features for mailto as well. You should better consult an HTML guide for the details. Here is an advanced example:

Click this link and the new message will have a subject too!

Want to see some more magic? Try this:

The above link will also insert the text in the message. But, you need to replace the space characters in the text with %20 as done above. If you don’t like that, use a JumpFile statement of WhizFolders. Just enclose in a JumpFile statement and SAVE before trying the link.

[~jumpfile can I create a hyperlink to send email?]

Now it will work even without the %20 replacements.