Using WhizFolders Organizer as a time keeper

I often use WhizFolders Organizer to keep track of the time I use on various activities. I just keep a topic open in the editor for this purpose. When I start an activity, I simply press F5 to enter the current time as starting time followed by a dash. Then, as I keep working, I add notes on the following lines related to that activity. When I finish, I just position the caret after the dash and press F5 again to enter the End time. Here is a sample entry:

12/28/00 11:22:15 PM — 12/28/00 12:09:19 PM

Worked on the documentation of ShowSize. Added context sensitive help for the options dialog.

Although there are no features for the actual time calculations, I still prefer using it due to the free-format notes that can be attached to the time records with all the convenience of inserting the links to other documents or web sites.

In case you haven’t noticed, you can also add date/time prefixes to the new topic names automatically. See “New Names” page on the Settings–List for a WhizFolder file.