Use organizing features in WhizFolders creatively

There are some key advantages of using WhizFolders for organizing your notes and ideas:

  1. You can arrange the note titles in a hierarchy, often with a simple drag and drop.
  2. A note in WhizFolders is in free rich text format, there is no rigid data entry screen that limits you.
  3. You can insert links going from one note to another and use these links for better reviewing of your notes.
  4. You can have links opening external files or web sites in their respective applications.
  5. These links can also be directly inserted in the hierarchical list of notes, giving you a powerful bookmarking app.
  6. You can print a bunch of notes together with an automatic table of contents.

The free format, drag and drop outlining and linking features should get your creative juices flowing. See the presentation on home page of to get ideas on the applications that can be made with WhizFolders.