Are you keyboard savvy? Want to make maximum use of the keyboard?

In WhizFolders, most of the operations are made easy with keyboard shortcuts so that those of you who don’t like to leave the keyboard won’t be disappointed. A complete list can be seen on the menu “Help–List keys for operations” on the document window.

Here is a feature you may not have noticed–you can see a complete list of the shortcuts by the menu “Help–List keys for operations” on the document window. What is more, you can even change the shortcut keys according to your convenience.

Suppose you want to change the shortcut key for command “Rename Topics.” Here are the steps on how to do it.

  • Go to “Help–List keys for operations” menu.
  • Select Command “Rename Topic.” It will have the shortcut key as “Ctrl+R.”
  • Now click on”Change/Assign Shortcut keys.” Change the combination of the key in the text box. You just need to press the combination of keys that you want to assign.
  • If the key combination is already associated with some other command, WhizFolders will display a confirmation message whether it should replace the existing association.
  • Once you click OK and return to the list, the key combination is already assigned.

Sometimes the new key combination may not work. If so, please send us a note and we will investigate it. If for any reason you want to return to the original state before you assigned any keys, you can use the button “Reset all operations to default keys.”