Making a PDF document

To make a PDF document from WhizFolders, you just need to install one of those pdf print drivers and print your document to it. For example, you can try CutePDF or ClickBook drivers–just search google and you will find them. Once you install such a driver, it becomes another printer on your system. To make a pdf document from your notes, all you need to do is print to that printer from WhizFolders. The only limitation of this method is that the links between notes do not work. Other than that, this method works very well.

I used ClickBook for making the User Guide that you can get from the downloads section.

The only drawback is that the internal topic links do not work in the exported PDF. But they can be identified as links by the underlined text. And your reader can find the target headings if you take care to show proper text as links.

Sending a WhizFolder document to someone who does not have WhizFolders

I want to send a WhizFolder file to my friend. How can she view my notes without WhizFolders?

Ask her to use the freeware WhizFolder Viewer available from the downloads section to view the notes. If you want her to be able to add to or update the notes, give her an exported RTF file that she can view and edit in Word or Wordpad. Ask her to mark her modifications so that you can find and import her text by copy paste into your original WhizFolder file.

Is it possible to publish a WhizFolder document on the Internet so that the text and links can be seen in the browser?

A direct web publishing is not possible. But you can combine multiple topics to create a single web page (html file) with working links between topics and to the other web sites. Then you can transfer this web page to a web site manually by using a publishing or ftp program. Exporting to multiple pages is not possible yet.

To see the details on how to export to HTML, please look up Help Index of WhizFolders on “Exporting to HTML.” Note that there are certain limitations of this export as mentioned later.

Steps to Export the Topics to a web page or HTML File:

  1. Select one or more Topics from the Whizfolder document
  2. Click on the menu “Tools–Export selected topics–To HTML File.”
  3. A screen comes up asking for the Title of the web page.
  4. Type a name for the web page and select “Also put jumped topics in the HTML file” check box.
  5. Click on OK. A dialog comes up to save to an HTML file.
  6. Select a file name and the web page is exported and WhizFolders also gives an option to bring up the browser to test the web page.
  7. When you have tested the page, you can use a file transfer (FTP) program to copy it to your web site.


  1. Pictures can not be exported to the HTML File. But you can insert html tags to do that. This is explained in the help file and in the article “Inserting custom HTML tags.”
  2. Formatting of the text might change as all the RTF options are not possible in HTML.
  3. If the check box “Also put jumped topics in the HTML file” is not selected, the links to unexported topics won’t work (i.e. they won’t show the target topic when clicked)
  4. To get a hierarchial list of topic name links at the top of the web page, select that option and make sure that you have selected a complete hierarchy of topics in the topic list.

Inserting custom HTML tags

Question: I like the HTML export feature. Obviously, it does not export the pictures in the HTML file. How can I insert my own IMG tags.

You can insert your own HTML with [~HTML …]

How do I copy many notes to my Word document?

This article is old. You can find the latest information in the User Guide that you can download from downloads section.

There are many ways to copy notes in WhizFolders. Before we describe them, there are two basic operations you need to know.

  1. Selecting many notes in the list: You can use the Ctrl-click to select multiple notes. This is similar to Windows Explorer.
  2. Deciding whether you need the note names in the copy: Many operations that we describe below copy or omit note names depending on the option “Include Names” that you put ON on the Edit menu. So decide whether you want the names along with text and put this option ON or OFF.

To copy the notes, you first select multiple notes and put on the Include Names option as described above. Then do one of the following:

  • Copy then Paste: Click on the Copy toolbar button and then paste in your word processor document.
  • Drag and drop: Bring both the list of notes and the word processor windows in view. Start dragging from the icon part of the selected notes to a suitable position in the word processor document.
  • Export to an RTF file: Click on the menu “Tools–Export Selected Topics–To single RTF file.” Then you can open that RTF file in your word processor.
  • Export to multiple RTF files: Click on the menu “Tools–Export Selected Topics–To multiple RTF files.” It asks you for a folder to create one file for each note.
  • Export ALL the topics to an RTF file: This operation is useful to make a complete RTF back up of all your notes from time to time. It is available on the File menu as “Save RTF text of all the topics for backup purposes.” It always exports all the topics and always includes the note names.

Then, there are many other possibilities that you will see on the Edit and Right-click menu on the topic list. For example, you can only copy plain text of notes or the note names only.

Tip: On the Edit menu, you will see an operation “Copy selected topics as they would appear in viewer.” You will understand this only if you know how hyperlinks are coded as Jump statements in WhizFolders. This operation beautifies the links so that the Jump statements are hidden in the copy if possible.